Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our Day at the Park... Meadows Mall.

Do you see how two words changed my title to a fun day with the kids, to something every mom basically dreads?


Today I had to brave the mall with Thing 1 and Thing 2 (aka Harlow and Dash). Harlow has been moved up to the Pre-K class at school and now has to wear uniforms. It is great, the only problem is that she really only has pink shoes... hot pink, light pink, pink and green, pink with flowers, you get the point. The colors of her uniform are red, blue, khaki, and white, so the pink just wasn't working. We went to the mall to get her 2 pairs of shoes... that is it. Fail.

This is what I got NOT including Harlow's shoes.

Peek... Opened right next to Nordstrom. I am in so much trouble! This is my favorite clothing brand for kids.

Shopping with Harlow is crazy. She loves everything and wants everything, even things that she doesn't really want. She also talks to every single person she sees, most people think she is adorable, so it only encourages her. She is lucky DJ wasn't there... he takes stranger danger very seriously. Today she went up to a stranger and said "You have an apple! Where did you get that?" Really girl? Let the poor lady eat her apple in peace! Dash is equally as embarrassing. He yells as loud as he can as soon as we enter a store... or a new section... or whenever the freak he feels like it. It is mortifying. People just stare at me and I just stare at the stroller without looking up. He also growled.

What? You don't speak caveman?

Harlow also gave me another example as to how kids are assholes. We were walking into the mall and she looked at me and said "Mom, you smell like a llama." She was dead serious and looked really upset with me when I started laughing. So rude. For the record, I did NOT smell like like a llama... I smelled like roses (thank you Lush... the products, not the fact that I drink a lot). She also kept calling the model in the picture on our table a boy. I kept trying to correct her, but she just did not believe me. Sorry, model, it's nothing personal.

I think she is very pretty and feminine, I could do without the pose though.

Food court. I don't even know how to really explain my time in the food court. As soon as we pull up to the mall, Harlow asks if we can eat there. Her request? Rice and broccoli. So weird. This never changes, either. She even requested it last year for her birthday. Dash just wants the cinnamon sugar pretzels, I think his choice sounds better. They ate really well and were actually really well behaved so they got ice cream once they finished their lunch. I, however, did not eat ice cream thank you very much!

 Harlow and her mall special.

 Dash on his sugar high from pretzels.

 Ice cream!!!!

Harlow's face after I caught her LICKING the ice cream she dropped off of the table. Disgusting.

What else is a mall good for if not people watching? I got some good ones today. While my kids were taking their sweet, sweet time eating, I was able to get some awesome shots. I was so excited because I saw 2 people (who were not together) wearing... FANNY PACKS!!!!! 2 people who were not together, wearing fanny packs, shorts, and extra long white socks. It was amazing.

And a visor.

Trucker hat.

We were also sitting by the cutest couple. I think I might have a slight obsession with old people couples. The khaki shorts couple has been pushed to number 2 on my list of 'Cutest Old People Shopping'. The couple I saw today might hold the forever crown. They were so happy together. I was just creepin and staring at them eat their lunch together. Cutest. Thing. Ever.

I mean... right??? She was so little pushing him! She took all those bags and piled on his lap and then they went on their way. I loved them.

Also... if you haven't already, follow me! And please share any of the blogs you like :)


  1. You CRACK me UP!!! After a long day at work, reading about fanny packs and kids telling their mothers they smell like llamas.... is just what I need!

  2. Thank you! I mean, fanny packs are pretty much the universal sign of happiness. I am glad I had my phone ready so I could share it with the world ;)

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