Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Fun-Day

Happy Sunday. Only one day left to the weekend and tomorrow my kids go to school... hurry up Monday!

I have decided that I will post with a list format today because my kids are going nuts and I don't have enough concentration to form real, full thoughts.

Things my Sunday consisted of:

1) Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. DJ was able to go to Chuck E Cheese last night and since Krispy Kreme is in the same parking lot, we went there after. He has never been inside and was super excited to see how the doughnuts were made. Dash, like always did not take bites, and literally shoved full doughnuts in his mouth. It is equally as impressive as it is disgusting.

Watching the miracle of doughnuts being born.

2) Mommy and Dash day. My mom took DJ and Harlow to the circus, so I was able to spend alone time with Dash. In theory, this is awesome. In reality, it kinda sucks. I don't understand how one child can be so nuts. Seriously, the kid is crazy. He took off through the doggie door in nothing but a diaper and would not come back inside. I had to cave-man style carry him back in the house.

3) Baking. In order to get Dash to calm down after his cave-man style carry back, I bribed him with cookies. One thing you should know about me, I am not above bribery. Not at all. I made pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting and Dash was a great mixer licker. The cookies were awesome. Thank you, Pinterest. They are sweet without being too sweet.

4) The pajama trap. Dash always manages to take off his pajamas while he is in bed. This results in him taking off his diaper. This results in him peeing all over his sheets. I have been trying to find an effective trap to keep them on and I think I have finally found a winner.

A onesie OVER the pants. #lockdown

5) Katy Perry who? At the circus, my kids got their faces painted to look like tigers. Now my pop music obsessed daughter keeps running around the house singing "You're gonna hear me ROAR!!!!" over and over.

6) Animals don't wear clothes. After deciding that she was over Katy Perry, Harlow stripped out of all of her clothes and will not wear any. I don't know if she thinks she is an actual tiger now? All I know is that that little girl is crazy and needs to put on some damn pants.

7) I am becoming fluent in another language. That language is Dash and it basically goes like this. Argh! Grrrr! ARRRGH!!!! GRRRRRR!!!!!! We had a conversation that went exactly like this-
Me: Dash, what show do you want to watch?
Dash: Grrrrr!
Me: Ninjago?
Dash: No! GRRRR!
Me: Oh... Power Rangers?
Dash: Yeah! ***Runs off to sit on the couch***

The night is not over and I am sure some more excitement is bound to happen, but I will just talk about it tomorrow. 

Dammit. Just before I hit publish, I heard Harlow yell "DJ!!!! We flushed the toothpaste down the toilet!" Seriously??? What the fuck? This blog only took me like 10 minutes to write? You can't just play in the toy room for 10 minutes???? Ugh. Monday. Monday. Monday.