Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Smooth Sailing

This morning I decided that I was going to try something new. I set my alarm, woke up 30 minutes before my kids, made cinnamon rolls (DJ's favorite) and ironed all of their clothes. I was so on top of it. DJ and Harlow came down at 7:30, I got them dressed and did their hair, then they sat down to eat. While they sat down to eat, I got Dash and then let him eat while I threw on my gym clothes. It was awesome. It was going so smooth that I started thinking "Damn, Alexa... wake up early everyday! Your life is so much easier." Which is why I have no idea how shit hit the fan so fast.

It was actually 8:25.

I seriously cannot even pinpoint where things went wrong. All I know is that waking up early got the kids to school 5 minutes late. Dammit. And Dash? That little jerk. He did not help at all. All of a sudden he hates his carseat. He wants to sit next to Harlow, so when I go to strap him in? It is like I am trying to torture him. He goes stiff as freaking board and SCREAMS! It is too early to act like that, I don't understand!!!! All I know is that I have never been so happy to put them in their classes and run out of there. 

Now I am sitting at home, writing this blog, telling myself that going to the gym will help me relax. You know what else is relaxing? Wine. I might pretend it is brunch so I can spike my orange juice. Happy Hump Day, everyone. 

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