I think she might just be selective, she knows the kids, she just isn't sure *she* wants to be friends yet.
So after a week of her reporting that she talked to kids but "they still aren't my friends" I started to get a little concerned. I am a mama bear. I want my kids happy and when I can't do anything about it, it gives me anxiety. But when she came home and tearfully told me that two little boys picked on her at lunch by chasing her and pinching her? I lost my fucking mind. I know that some people like to say this is how boys show little girls that they like them, but I will NEVER tell my daughter that someone shows her affection by treating her poorly. No, nope, not a chance. So emails were sent, teachers were talked to, and DJ (my sweet boy) promised to keep an eye on her at recess.
Fast forward to today. The boys have been leaving her alone, but today they were late to school (I didn't drop them off) and apparently they ran into one of the boys walking to class. DJ reported this to me in the car after I picked them up. The conversation went as followed.
DJ- We saw the BULLY at school today.
Me- You did? What happened?
DJ- He tried to mess with Harlow. He said "Hey, Lady." and I said "Don't mess with my sister!!!!!"
Harlow- He said that to you.
DJ- No, he said 'lady' and I am not a girl.
Harlow- I know, he was making fun of you.
DJ- What? I thought he said it to you.
Harlow- Well, I am a woman.... so I am not really sure.
I could not stop laughing. I should probably have taken this more seriously, but I think they handled it pretty well. And I guess my 5 year old is now a woman.... sooooooo.... yeah.
Also, Harlow had her first soccer practice tonight and did great! She had so much fun and made friends! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Also, the fact that she enjoyed soccer is a huge win considering when I told her I signed her up she started crying hysterically, yelling "You didn't even ask me!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Drama starts young with these girls.
Girl Power!
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