Random Duggar pictures I have in my phone.
Well... a lot has happened since I last posted. Let's see...
1- DJ is in school. Like real school. Like homework and PTA and strict pick up and drop off times. DJ loves it. I hate it. So much pressure. All I know is that I just signed up to bring cupcakes to his fall party and the other moms are going down. #SpecialOrder #FancyCupcakes
2- Harlow is in Kindergarden! This has shown me what my life will be like for the next 12 years. On the first day of school Harlow got a not so hot report. On the second day of school I was informed by the teachers that they "Just can't believe how different DJ and Harlow are." Translation- DJ is so sweet and Harlow is a sass-master.
3- Dash update. Well... not much has changed with him. Instead of being a Power Ranger, he now tells me he is Spiderman. He tells me this when is climbing whatever he is climbing that he shouldn't be. He is still my party kid and I am still terrified of what is to come with him. #FutureFraternityPresident
Very happy about a head injury because he looked "like a ninja".
4- Many of my friends have joined me in the mommy club. This might not sound like a big deal, but it is. They now understand why I will randomly hang up on them and that my hair is not in a bun everyday because I think it is cute, but because it is all I have time for. Also, buns disguise how long it has been since I last washed my hair. I believe they are the reason for the number 5...
This is me after I brushed my hair for the first time in a week. Ok... maybe 2.
The newest addition.
A picture of drink that is lacking the amazing ingredient of alcohol.
Sparkling water with lime is NOT the same as a margarita. FYI.
I have a lot to say and I can't have wine or vodka to tamper it down. So look out, there is a lot to come!
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