Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Wishes DO come true!

And I am BACK! If you reference my last blog entry, you will see that my computer was a complete POS. It wouldn't let me save any new pictures, spell check stopped working, and videos? How dare I even think about it. The first item on my Christmas Wish List was a new computer. Well, thank you Santa! My wish came true! I am now writing to you on my gorgeous new computer and I have so much to talk about!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! Christmas is such a magical time and having kids makes the holidays even better! Santa is the best part for me, I mean, who doesn't love Old Saint Nick?

Dash. Dash does not love Santa. This might be one of my favorite pictures of all 3 of them. It was hard to get, but like any good mom, I made Dash sit there until we got a good one. I wouldn't have wanted the tears to be for nothing! This is destined to be a classic.  A picture that I will give to them when they are adults and they will turn it into their Christmas card. 

Christmas time is the time for crafting. There are so many cute and easy things to do with the kids and even more to do without them. I have an intense Pinterest addiction and found so many things to try. My favorite adult crafts were the glitter martini glasses and infused vodka. Both extremely easy and perfect for gifting.

I tried to keep these glasses neutral since I was giving them as a gift, but I bought a lot of different colors from Hobby Lobby and Michaels. I bought the really fine glitter, I think it looks better than the thick kind. If I was making these glasses for myself, I would do all the bases in different, bright colors so that everyone would know which glass was theirs. I also really want to make the wine glasses with the chalkboard paint.

Strawberry vodka. I think God made these things just for me. On Christmas when I was thinking of baby Jesus, I was thanking him for my children, my husband, and strawberry vodka. Seriously, it is that amazing. Just cut up a lot of strawberries, get decent vodka (it doesn't have to be the best, just don't let it be the worst), and a jar to put it in. Combine them all and stick it in a cabinet or pantry for 4 days, shaking a few times a day, and then when it is nice and red, strain it! I went to The Container Store and bought flasks and put the strawberry vodka goodness inside. I paired that with 2 glittered martini glasses and... voila! Perfect gift! I gave my this to my Aunt on Christmas Eve, only to find out on Christmas Day, that my Aunt got me a bottle of vodka and the cutest shot glasses. Now, should I question that not only am I giving vodka, but receiving it as a gift? I hope not. I think I will only question it if I use those adorable shot glasses when I am all alone.

I didn't open my present tonight, but I did do this...

Strawberry vodka and watermelon mixer. It was so good that I said a little prayer when I took my first sip.

Well, this entry did not go as expected. I was going to post pictures of my kids and their Christmas gifts. Oh well, there is always tomorrow! I will end this with one of my favorite quotes, by one of my favorite men, it seems very fitting :o)

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
-Frank Sinatra


  1. You, Alexa Martin, are my hero!! I am so happy you are blogging again. I count on you for my morning laughter! Love and miss you.. and when you say your prayers at night, can you pray that we sign with the Broncos next year so I can live close to you again?! And I just want to live in Colorado anyways!! xoxo

  2. Thanks, Kels! You are my hero because you comment and make it so I don't feel like I am talking to myself! lol! And obviously I will pray for that! I would be SOOOO happy if you all were here!
