The birthday girl and her photobombing brother
So for her actual birthday she got to have her special breakfast and scavenger hunt to find her presents. My mom took her to the kid salon for a manicure, pedicure, and facial. Then we went to Casa Bonita. Don't be jealous. If you have never been to or you do not know what Casa Bonita is, I think it was best described on South Park as "The Disneyland of mexican restaurants". Juan came with us and got the all you can eat beef dinner, he ate like 10 tacos. I wish I was kidding, it was disgusting and I was worried he was going to throw up in the swagger wagon on the drive home. The kids thought it was the coolest place ever and DJ has requested that we go there for his birthday too.
Ice cream cake that's so good, it makes you kiss your brother!
Yesterday was her party at Monkey Bizness. Now, if you didn't get an invitation, please, do not be offended. I didn't send them out. I actually forgot to invite people to her party!!! Fail. Serious mom fail. I tried to call people (ok... send them facebook messages) on Saturday, but everyone was busy. Even though, I think a lot are liars and just wanted to watch the Broncos game. Thankfully, enough people came that it was a party and not a family gathering.
Final thing. Do you know the common theme of birthday celebrations? Cake. Cake. Cake. Seriously. I need someone to come over and just get rid of it all. Harlow wanted donuts for her breakfast. Well, I wanted it to be a donut cake. I did it for DJ's birthday and with only 1 dozen it looked sad, I didn't want another sad donut cake. So I got 2 dozen donuts. Fat. Then at Casa Bonita we got sopapillas and fried ice cream. Really fat. THEN... we got an ice cream cake so we could sing to her and she could have cake. I didn't eat that... so still at level really fat. So after that, we had a lot of left overs. Through the week I did have ice cream cake. Fatass. And finally, we ordered 3 dozen cupcakes for Harlow's party where there ended up only being about 15 people. So... now I am just disgusting. Seriously really freaking disgusting. I am going to walk around my neighborhood and give all of my neighbors cupcakes today. They cannot be in my house. I know Derrick will get mad, but I have no self control! I have to get them out of the house! Ugh. So bad.